by Ingredient

Favorite Cookies (Michelle's)

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24 servings


5 min


20 min


85 min
Low Fat, Fat-Free, Low in Saturated Fat, Low Cholesterol, Cholesterol-Free, Trans-fat Free, Low Carb, Sugar-Free, Sodium-Free, Low Sodium


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 each puff pastry
2x5 inches
* Camera
1 x sugar
* Camera


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
1 each puff pastry
2x5 inches
* Camera
1 x sugar
* Camera


Liberally dust surface of the pastry and your board with sugar.

Roll pastry to about 4 inches wide and 10 inches long.

(The more sugar you manage to work into the dough, the more caramelized and scrumptious the cookies will be.)

Press sugar over the top with a rolling pin; turn dough over and press sugar in on the other side.

Fold each long side of the pastry, towards the middle and dust this with sugar; now fold pastry in half, dust with sugar and gently apply pressure to the top to flatten it out and even it up.

With a knife or bench knife, cut across the length of the dough into 3/8th-inch wide cross pieces.

Transfer cookies to a parchment lined cookie sheet.

Shape the cookies by turning edges out to approximate a bell shape or by turning edges in.

Dust with more sugar and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 400℉ (200℃).

Remove cookies from the refrigerator and place the in the oven.

Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until sugar on top begins to caramelize and turn golden brown.

Turn over and bake for another 5 minutes or until second side is golden (watch them carefully because they burn easily).

Cool on a rack; serve with fresh berries or oranges)

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button





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