by Ingredient

Boudin Du Pays (Blood Pudding)


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1 servings


30 min


4 hrs


Trans-fat Free, High Fiber


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
2 cups pork blood
1 x salt
* Camera
2 pounds pork
1 x pig's lung
½ x pig's heart
* Camera
2 each pig necks
1 x salt
* Camera
5 each onions
1 each salt and black pepper
* Camera
1 x cloves
* Camera
1 x savory
* Camera
1 x coriander seeds
crushed, to taste
* Camera
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour


Amount Measure Ingredient Features
473 ml pork blood
1 x salt
* Camera
907.2 g pork
1 x pig's lung
0.5 x pig's heart
* Camera
2 each pig necks
1 x salt
* Camera
5 each onions
1 each salt and black pepper
* Camera
1 x cloves
* Camera
1 x savory
* Camera
1 x coriander seeds
crushed, to taste
* Camera
3E+1 ml all-purpose flour


Sauce a boudin: When slaughtering a pig, collect the fresh blood, immediately add salt and stir to prevent coagulation.

Cut the fresh pork, the lung, heart and neck into large pieces.

Place the meat into a large pot and add just water to cover the meat.

Add the salt and 3 chopped onions.

Simmer on medium heat for 3 hours. Remove the meat from the cooking liquid and let it cool.

Cut the meat into very small pieces or grind it with a meat grinder.

Add the meat to the cooking liquid with the 2 remaining onions, pepper and spices.

Bring the liquid to a boil and slowly add the blood by pouring it through a sieve.

Stir constantly. Add the flour, mixed with a small amounts of water.

(The flour may be browned in the oven before being add to the meat, provided that slightly more flour is used.) Simmer the mixture on low heat for approximately 1 hour, stirring frequently.

This sauce may served later by warming in a skillet.

Boudin des branches (blood pudding sausages): To make blood pudding sausages, prepare blood pudding sauce but do not simmer for the last half hour.

Rather, clean the small intestines of the pig, cut them into 20 inch pieces at tie them at one end.

Using a funnel or a piece of birch bark as was the Acadian tradition, fill the intestinal lining with the sauce until the intestine is three quarters full.

Press out the air and tie the other end, leaving some space for expansion.

Put the branches in boiling water and cook for 45 to 1 hour.

* not incl. in nutrient facts Arrow up button




Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1474g (52.0 oz)
Amount per Serving
Calories 220036% from fat
 % Daily Value *
Total Fat 88g 136%
Saturated Fat 31g 156%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 781mg 260%
Sodium 558mg 23%
Total Carbohydrate 21g 21%
Dietary Fiber 10g 39%
Sugars g
Protein 547g
Vitamin A 1% Vitamin C 72%
Calcium 32% Iron 66%
* based on a 2,000 calorie diet How is this calculated?

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