49,756 LOW FAT COFFEE CAKE/8 recipes
Avoid having to clean up a mess and cook this traditional spaghetti sauce by following the simple crockpot recipe.
An excellent quick bread recipe to share!
This burrito is made with a combination of Mexican and American cuisine, that is sure to please American tastes.
Sweet potatoes, carrots and cranberries in cream cheese quiche -- This recipe has become a real holiday favorite in our family. It is sweeter than most quiches, but not as sweet as most pies, and can be eaten either as a side dish, or as dessert.
This delicious and silky cheesecake is made with cream cheese, sour cream and silken tofu that helps to reduce the calories and fat while still makes it taste creamy and smooth. Fresh fruit topping adds some fruity and refreshing taste. Satisfy your craving without feeling guilty.
Boerenkass Soup (Dutch Cheese Soup) recipe