19,745 DATE ONION CHUTNEY/41 recipes
German Potato Soup recipe
Simple to cook, delicious to eat.. I was a little bit positively surprised by the sauce.. Thanks for tasteful lunch..
Take a trip to the Outback with this scrumptious appetizer. Perfect for a relaxing day in the shade with a cup of tea!
It's quick and easy to make, and it tastes a lot better and healthier too.
This is a great cold salad. The basil and cherry tomatoes marry perfectly with a high-quality sweet balsamic vinegar along with tender-crisp green and yellow wax beans.
Make this moist and delicious frittata for breakfast. It provides you with enough nutritions that you need to power through the whole morning before lunch hunger arrives, and needless to say that it's so tasty. Serve it with a slice of whole grain toast and grape fruit.
This is one of my favorites, and is always a hit when I bring it to potlucks.
This cream cheese-based cracker spread is served free at a local pub. It was so delicious that I knew I had to try to duplicate it home after I first had it. At the pub, the spread is served with club-type crackers, but it goes well on any cracker or with crudites.
If you're a fan of combining wonderful flavors you will love this succulent dish that makes a great quick dinner.
From recipe request: posted by SuzieQue, Great American Recipe Cards, Great Beef Dishes Card # 91 Grp 6.
Use any your favorite salad dressing to make this potato salad. We love creamy dressing or sweet-sour dressing the best. You can enjoy this delicious salad right after it's made, or let chill in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or overnight.
This quick and easy recipe will help you make a light but scrumptious lunch.
Earthy sauteed mushrooms, aromatic toasted pine nuts, chewy-sweet sun-dried tomatoes make this delicious and wholesome couscous salad. Enjoy it as a side dish or serve it as a tasty main meal.