51,692 SALT FREE DINNER/458 recipes
It's a fun thing to make your own phyllo pastry, it may requires some patience, but it's well worth the efforts.
This excellent soft pancake wrapper, easily made at home, is eaten in Norway with butter and 'geitost' cheese, or used to wrap delicious little morsels of smoked ham, 'fenalar', dried and salted leg of mutton, or a spoonful of berry conserve.
This delicious and moist Christmas cake will satisfy everyone at your dinner table.
An old Welsh steamed carrot pudding -- This is a good steamed pudding, despite the list of ingredients that are "good for you". The sauce (following the recipe) is not a necessity for good taste, only for authenticity, although I LIKE it with the sauce.
Easy Herman Coffee Cake recipe
This tuna dish is made with a creamy thick white sauce that can be served over mashed potatoes or rice.
Grand Ghirardelli Fudge Cake recipe
If you're looking for a light, hearty meal, try this scrumptious dish that is sure to satisfy your hunger.
If you are a fan of hamburger soup, you will love this tasty rendition that is made in a crockpot.
Coconut milk, cinnamon and cloves flavor this side dish of squash and yams.
This recipe is the best. You have to try it. It's soooo good excpeicealy if you eat it with vanilla ice-cream.