1,140 RUM MEATBALLS/12 recipes
Try this different but tasty pasta salad made with mandarin oranges, pineapple and whipped topping.
French Canadian apple dumplings. Perfect with Canadian cheddar.
Sweet and Sour Turkey Meatballs recipe
It was named for Richard Foster, a friend of Brennan and regular patron of the restaurant. It remains the most popular dish at the restaurant to this day. Each year Brennan's utilizes over 35,000 pounds of bananas for the world renowned dessert. The standard recipe is as follows.
Five-Flavor Pound Cake Glaze recipe
Try something new for breakfast with this simple recipe that will have you enjoying the scrumptious taste of french toast in no time!
This is an excellent authentic classic Christmas Egg Nog that I make every year. You will never go back to store bought nog after trying this. Well worth the effort to make your own.
Smooth Chocolate Rum Mousse recipe
Rum Chocolate Mousse recipe
Rahmapfelkuchen (Apple and Rum Custard Cake) recipe
Rahmapfelkuchen (Apple and Rum Custard Cake) recipe