5,056 CELERY ROOT/20 recipes
Delicious, savory winter-recipe ingredients that will surely satisfy are white beans and Oso Sweet Onions, an onion grown at the foot of the Andes Mountains. Onions are not only believed to be a cancer preventative, their low-salt, low-fat health benefits are the proactive equivalent to superhero powers.
These cookies are to improve breastmilk production in lactating mothers, while providing a tasty treat at the same time! Per cookie: 160 calories each, 20 carbs, 8g fat, 10g sugar, 3g protein. ***Recipe makes about 3 1/2 dozen cookies***
To make the kebabs, you’ll need eight 10-inch wooden or bamboo skewers, soaked in water for 20 minutes. Metal skewers may overcook the lamb, so use only metal if you like your meat well done.
I will be honest, I've had my fair share of bread disasters. Probably in the high 20's by now. My bread maker was a gift from the heavens. However...something about making my own bread is just so satisfying. I feel like dancing around with butter dripping down my face and my slice of bread held high singing I maaade this baaaby!!!!!" This recipe is idiot proof, my wiener dog could probably figure it out...ok no. This bread is rustic looking and delicious!
Cornbread Mason-Dixon Stuffing recipe
A completely fat-free, sugar-free, low-fat, low calorie French-style salad dressing that's creamy, thick and packed with flavor.
Broccoli Apple Soup recipe
Polish-style fried meatballs or hamburgers literally called ground cutlets (pol. kotlety mielone). My latest rendition contains white radish, sesame seeds, and cilantro leaves. It is far away from home, but I think it's healthy to travel from time to time. My cutlets are served with potatoes, yoghurt, dill, and Bayou Carlin coleslaw. The salad recipe is taken from RecipeLand. Quick and easy dinner to prepare.
Crab, bacon and cheese melts. A match made in heaven.
Homemade cream of chicken soup isn't hard to make and it can't compare to store-bought.
Flavorful and colorful. A classic Indian dish, the combination of yogurt, tomatoes, potatoes, rice and spices is super tasty and fills you up. Serve it as a side dish with a tangy stew or a main dish with some refreshing chutney.
Very crispy like the name, celery seeds worked deliciously well in the coleslaw, and it tasted very refreshing with a bit sweetness and sourness. A great side dish with many main courses.
Very quick and easy to prepare, a perfect simple week-night chicken dinner. Nice contrasting textures from the celery, carrots and sweet bell peppers.