Breast of pheasant is served under glass to hold in the cognac flavor that makes this dish so unique.
Gr Round Stuffed Peppers recipe
Say cheers to this scrumptious dish that will have you savoring every bite of it!
Let the succulent aroma of this savory dish into your home with this simple and easy to follow recipe.
If you need to make a quick but hearty dish, then try this scrumptious crockpot recipe that doesn't take a lot of effort.
A unique and savory beef chuck roast that is cooked with honey, cider vinegar and gingersnap cookies.
Enjoy the summer days with this delicious rendition to steak that can be served with mashed potatoes or corn bread.
A tasty crockpot dish that is perfect to enjoy after a long day at work.
Easy bean, sausage and barley soup for your slow cooker.
Bring out the Irish in you with this scrumptious dish that might have you seeing rainbows after every bite!