1,023 RUM MEATBALLS/15 recipes
A savory and succulent soup made with beef broth and a bit of red wine.
Barbadians make Black Cake for weddings, birthdays and at Christimas time. Indeed, no Christmas holiday is felt to be complete without black Cake. People from many of the islands make a similar cake. This Black Cake derived from the British Plum Pudding which is a must on their Christmas menu.
Jimmy's Sweet and Sour Meatballs recipe
Try this new rendition of meatballs that tastes amazing over any kind of pasta or rice!
Before you cook the chicken it has to be marinated. The orig inal way that the Colonel used to produce his chicken was to marinate it. The following marinade recipe is still used today at KFC for the Crispy Strips which are marinated daily in 40 to 80 lbs at a time, however the amount of this marinade is only good for about 15 lbs of chicken.
Bananas Foster with Rum recipe
Meatball Stew recipe