by Ingredient

Chili Recipes

857 recipes

White Chili#2

White Chili#2 recipe

Idaho Chili-Quick & Easy

When on the go, try this Idaho-style chili that's made with pinto beans, ground beef and tomato sauce.

Ambush Chili

Ambush your tastebuds with this savory chili made with succulent beef chuck, jalapeno peppers and red hot pepper sauce.

Crock Pot Chili

Warm up your winter days with this delicious chili that's so easy to make, you can use your crockpot!

15 Bean & Winter Squash Not Chili

Note: 15 bean mixtures are available packaged in supermarkets and health food stores. If you prefer, make your own by combining equal amounts of dried blackeyed peas, red kidney beans, white kidney beans (cannellini), green lentils, split peas, black beans, yellow split peas, navy beans, cranberry (Roman, shell, or shell out) beans, great Northern beans, pinto beans, small white limas, red lentils, cow peas (field peas), and pink beans. Avoid using beans such as garbanzos and large lima beans, as these take longer to cook than other varities.

Lewis & Clark's White Chili

This delicious chili is full of all kinds of yummy goodness, it fills you up and well satisfies your palate as well.

Geen Chili Verde

Geen Chili Verde recipe