by Ingredient

Dessert, Easy Recipes

175 recipes

Chocolate & Hazelnut Sauce

This popular chocolate and hazelnut sauce or spread, almost everybody loves it, but do you know it is actually so easy to make, and the flavor is just absolutely delicious!

Citrus-Infused Strawberries

Using fresh strawberries, eat with the light whipping cream, very good.

Dark Chocolate Fudge

A simple and easy to make fudge recipe using only pantry staples.

Easy Sour Cream Raisin Pie

Easy Sour Cream Raisin Pie recipe

Grilled Peach Sundaes

Grilled peach, maybe first time to hear grill a fruit, but it really works very well, especially with sundaes. Very yummy.

Homemade Creme Fraiche

Creme Fraiche is so versatile, it can be used in plenty of ways, and just a spoonful adds the creaminess and richness, it's used so often in desserts; and instead of store-bought, you can actually make your own delicious and creamy creme fraiche.

Peach French Toast

It is an easy and nice peach french toast, I always make them for breakfasts, or desserts between the meals, they taste very great.

Quick Mousse

This mousse is very quick and simple, and very tasty!