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369 ham recipes

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Make-ahead Brunch Enchiladas

Tortillas stuffed with cheese, ham, and sweet bell peppers covered in a savory mixture of eggs and salsa are allowed to mingle overnight, like a Mexican French toast. Easy to prepare and just pop it into the oven in the morning with your feet up, sipping a coffee.

Muffallatas & Olive Dressing

Muffallatas and Olive Dressing recipe

Easy Hearty Crockpot Brunswick Stew

Easy Hearty Crockpot Brunswick Stew recipe

Soundstage Great Northern Bean Soup

Soundstage Great Northern Bean Soup recipe

Chocolate-Coconut Cheesecake Squares (Chad & Misha)

With its cheesecake center nestled between toasted coconut and a fudgy crust, this rich treat just may be the candy bar of your dreams. Be sure to use unsweetened dried coconut, sometimes labeled "desiccated." These are so yummy. And the recipe makes a boat load – so be prepared to win over friends and neighbors by sharing these delicious treats!

Showing 97 - 112 of 369 recipes