If you love to cook healthy and fresh meals by yourself but seems too busy to make complicated recipes. There are two quick and simple tips that are easy on your budget, but also taste better than fat and salt laden fast foods.
A simple crockpot recipe that helps you cook a succulent dish you and your family will enjoy!
2 ingredients, smoked sausages steamed in beer for even more flavor. Perfect for Superbowl or any time the guys get together.
Chili Verde recipe
Nothing beats a spicy stew except when it can be slow cooked all day to create a strong tantalizing flavor.
If you love pork chops then you will adore this hearty variation that will have you licking your chops and maybe even your bowl!
Sweet and spicy.
Why go out to enjoy buffalo wings when you can use this easy recipe to enjoy the delicious taste at home!
Only 5 ingredients make for this easy side. Look for small whole button mushrooms for this.
A scrumptious and succulent crockpot dish made with a savory pork roast, jalapeno peppers and light beer.
Dress your chicken up with your favorite bottle of barbecue sauce in this crockpot number.
Showing 17 - 32 of 44 recipes