by Ingredient

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Healthy Living News

Calorie Information Does Not Lead to Healthier Choices

Calorie Information Does Not Lead to Healthier Choices

More information does not equal better choices when it comes to fast food. Find out what happened when researchers gave fast-food diners comprehensive calorie information about the food they were about to eat.

A Lifetime of Reading Pays Off in Old Age

A Lifetime of Reading Pays Off in Old Age

Hobbies: Fun and good for you. Keep your mind active to keep your thinking clear. New research indicates that reading or participating in hobbies can help prevent memory loss in the elderly.

Pets Are Good For Your Soul and Great For Your Heart!

Pets Are Good For Your Soul and Great For Your Heart!

Man's best friend is also your heart's best friend. Pets offer their owners love and companionship, but did you know they also offer a healthier heart and lifestyle?

Skipping Breakfast Linked to Heart Disease

Skipping Breakfast Linked to Heart Disease

How your breakfast affects your heart? Find out why the most important meal of the day could also be the most important meal for your heart.

How to Avoid Listeria Contamination

How to Avoid Listeria Contamination

Recent recalls have the CDC and FDA warning about the dangers of this bacterial food-borne illness.

Quit Smoking: Your Habit Affects Your Kids For Life

Quit Smoking: Your Habit Affects Your Kids For Life

Parents who smoke have Kids who smoke. Study shows that children whose parents smoke are more likely to pick up the habit at a young age.

Stress & Dis-Ease: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You

Stress & Dis-Ease: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You

Stress and the modern world, chronic stress leads to disease. Studies show that high levels of stress put us at risk for stroke, heart disease and early death.

Deadly Diabetes that Even Doctors Can Miss

Deadly Diabetes that Even Doctors Can Miss

Type 1 diabetes sometimes missed by doctors. Less common than type 2 diabetes, children often show symptoms that can be overlooked by parents and doctors. Here are some of the warning signs of this deadly disease.

Common Injuries from Beach Break Waves

Common Injuries from Beach Break Waves

Powerful waves can cause be dangerous even in shallow water. A study of rough beach breaks shows that serious injuries are more common than we realize.

Excessive Soda Consumption Linked to Deadly Heart Condition

Excessive Soda Consumption Linked to Deadly Heart Condition

Too much soda can cause dangerous arrhythmia. A woman was hospitalized with a potentially fatal arrhythmia and dangerously low potassium levels after 16 years of drinking nothing but cola.