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33 take recipes

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Wild Mushroom Sauce
Wild Mushroom Sauce

This sauce has an intensely rich, woodsy flavor that works well on pasta, chicken, and pork.

Boulette - Meatballs German Style
Boulette - Meatballs German Style

This was a common meal in German blue collar working class families. It is still very popular on buffets, and even used to become "hip" recently for people who got bored with mussels, salmon or caviar on buffets. People in old times often did not use ground meat, but ground cheap meat leftovers. This used to be pub food in the very old times in Germany as you could store it for a long time - no fridge was around at that time, only a pantry. It is perfect as a cold snack for long road trips.

Spring Cabbage with Mushrooms, Frankfurters and Shrimps
Spring Cabbage with Mushrooms, Frankfurters & Shrimps

for fans of spring cabbage and untypical combinations..

German Cabbage Rolls (Kohlrouladen) - traditional
German Cabbage Rolls (Kohlrouladen) - traditional

"Kohlrouladen" used to be a staple on the menu for regular people in Germany during winter time. The relatively long preparation and cooking time pays out, because it can be easily reheated over a couple of days and gets even better and tastier then. Fried potatoes complete the picture, but you can cook the potatoes also in the pot with the sauce, if there is space left. This recipe can be varied in many ways, be it the stuffing (ground meat here), or the sauce. The recipe is as traditional as it can be; the ingredients are adjusted to availability in North America (like Savoy cabbage in lieu of "Weisskohl", bacon to replace "Speckwuerfel"). For sure the ground meat can vary depending on preferences or diets - I bet quite often in the "good old times " regular people did not exactly know what's in the ground meat they got from the butcher - at least it was some meat, for most of the families only once a week.

Mushroom and Goat Cheese Puff Pockets
Mushroom & Goat Cheese Puff Pockets

Warm and juicy mushroom filling spiked with goat cheese inside buttery flaky puff pastry.

Stephanie Marquesano's Chicken Soup, Thanks Grandma

Not too watery, not too heavy, this recipe is just right! Once again, I often adjust measurements and go by feel!

Wild Mushroom Soup

Here's one for you lucky folks that have chanterelles popping up in the back forty.

Showing 1 - 16 of 33 recipes