A classic Korean dish, seasoned vegetables are served with steamed rice and spicy sauce along with a small bowl of miso soup and kimchee.
This yummy veggie burger won't disappoint you! Several kinds of spices are mixed into mashed beans, spiced cuacamole spread on top of the burger... Enjoy delicious burgers without feeling guilty!
Peanut butter makes a creamy, nutty yet tasty dressing that works deliciously well with this coleslaw.
Easy-peesy! This is the perfect holiday gift for neighbors and friends. It's a never-fail recipe.
The secret to making the cucumbers crunchy is to salt them first and let the salt draw out excess moisture before use.
A quick, easy and tasty soup is also very light, serve it with some crusty bread to make a whole meal.
Showing 17 - 32 of 160 recipes