5,253 WINTER SOUP/80 recipes
Italian Minestrone Soup recipe
Split Pea and Ham Soup recipe
Having company over for dinner? Try this simple and scrumptious casserole recipe that will satisfy everyone's hunger.
Lentil, Corn, Sweet Potato, and Brown Rice Soup recipe
Chicken base is basically dehydrated, powdered chicken stock. If you can't find it in the supermarket, grind chicken bouillon cubes. For the asparagus, cut about two inches off the stem end. You don't need to peel it. To blanch spinach, simply drop it in boiling salted water for one minute and then immediately submerge it in ice water to stop the cooking and retain the color. The spinach will provide the soup with a vibrant green hue.
a warm and tasty soup for rainy fall days
BBQ chicken in crockpot
Easy to make meatloaf, without using a pan. Can be done in a dorm hall kitchen.