Beef and Bean Sprouts Lumpia recipe
One of Mrs. Carter's favorite recipes was for a simple cheddar cheese mold. Served in a ring to be spread on crackers, the cheese appetizer was prepared for many of the Carter's family dinners and some of their official functions. One unusual ingredient was the strawberry preserves served in the centre of the ring.
Before you cook the chicken it has to be marinated. The orig inal way that the Colonel used to produce his chicken was to marinate it. The following marinade recipe is still used today at KFC for the Crispy Strips which are marinated daily in 40 to 80 lbs at a time, however the amount of this marinade is only good for about 15 lbs of chicken.
Chicken Florentine Wrapped in Pastry recipe
Savory and delicious meatballs made from pineapple chunks, ground beef and teriyaki sauce.
Also like this mincemeat pastry squares recipe, and the pastry gives the lovely flakey texture.
Relive the 70's and 80's with this delicious fondue made with garlic, gruyere cheese and a pinch of nutmeg.