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Fruits/nuts/14 recipes

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5,405 FRUITS/NUTS/14 recipes

Dr Fuhrman's Famous Anti-Cancer Soup
Dr Fuhrman's Famous Anti-Cancer Soup

Recipe taken from "The Eat-to-Live Diet" by Dr Joel Fuhrman. Packed full of vegetables and thickened with cashews.

Orange Lemon Marmalade
Orange Lemon Marmalade

When you taste homemade marmalade once, you will never want any store-bought. Made marmalade today, and it was absolutely delicious; tasted fresh, slightly bitter and not super sweet, just the right balance of the fruits and sugar.

14-Carat Cake with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting
14-Carat Cake with Vanilla Cream Cheese Frosting

Absolutely amazing... I'm not a baker, but this recipe is foolproof. My husband's favorite is carrot cake and I made it for his 30th birthday with resounding compliments even from those who don't like it. One friend insisted I got it from a bakery!

Christmas Fruit Cookies
Christmas Fruit Cookies

Just like little fruitcakes! I soaked my fruit in the bourbon overnight. Easy recipe to put together and great way to use extra fruit from making my fruitcakes.

Strawberry and Apple Jam
Strawberry & Apple Jam

Homemade apple and strawberry preserves.

Dried Fruit and Nut Granola Bar
Dried Fruit & Nut Granola Bar

It's easy to make your own delicious granola bar! This recipe is so flexible, you can use whatever nuts or dried fruits you have.

Apple Cranberry Strudel
Apple Cranberry Strudel

Instead of the raisins, this Apple Strudel uses dried cranberries instead. It's also lighter, crispier and easier to make by using phyllo pastry instead of typical thick pastry.

Grilled Potato and Parsley Pesto Salad
Grilled Potato & Parsley Pesto Salad

Grilled potatoes tossed with freshly-made parsley pesto, an easy recipe that tastes delicious. Clean, fresh and vibrant flavors perk up plain grilled potatoes. A great side dish perfect for a summer BBQ.

Stuffed Zucchini Rolls
Stuffed Zucchini Rolls

These stuffed zucchini rolls were fantastic! Always want to find some good zucchini recipes, this is definitely the one. So easy to make! Love the juicy, creamy and tasty stuffing, which went perfectly well with chilled zucchini slices. Next time when we have company to come over, definitely will make these rolls again.

Chicken with Pine Nuts
Chicken with Pine Nuts

While visiting Seattle one summer, We ate at an upscale restaurant and I ordered a dish called Chicken and pine nuts in brown sause.. it was one of the best chicken dishes I've ever eaten.. and when I found this recipe, I was hoping it was the same one.. Well I think it is, if it's not exact, it's really close and it was so worth all the work to make it tonight.. Everyone enjoyed it..

Applesauce Bran Muffins
Applesauce Bran Muffins

Applesauce Bran Muffins recipe

Orange Chicken Stir-Fry
Orange Chicken Stir-Fry

Used snow peas, mushrooms and red peppers for the veggies, and didn't add any cashews. It still came out delicious.

Best Burnt Grapes
Best Burnt Grapes

This easy to make dessert is actually very impressive. Everyone who had it all loved it and enjoyed it, and gave rave reviews back.

Neiman Marcus $250.00 Cookies
Neiman Marcus $250.00 Cookies

No wonder the recipe costs 250 dollars. These are definitely one of the best ones.

Holiday Spumoni Cookies
Holiday Spumoni Cookies

Spumoni cookies are a creative twist on the classic Italian dessert, featuring the same delightful combination of cherry, chocolate, and pistachio flavors.

Best Grilled Beef Kebabs
Best Grilled Beef Kebabs

Skewered marinated beef kebabs are great for grilling. This recipe features a technique to really maximize the marinade penetration. Add pineapple, peppers and onions for perfect grilled beef kebabs every time.