5,117 ROASTED NUTS/276 recipes
This juice contains camu camu - a South American berry that contains the highest concentration of vitamin C on the planet. It is available in powder form, but if you can't find it, just add more lemon to the juice. Carrots are packed with beta-carotene, that turns into vitamin A in the body and can help enhance immunity. The ginger is anti-viral, the garlic and oregano are anti-bacterial, and the turmeric is antimicrobial (an agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth). Meanwhile the celery and parsley are anti-inflammatory, and add a shot of blood-purifying chlorophyll as well.
When spring arrives, prepare this cake that will have you wishing you baked another one!
Pfeffernusse (Peppernuts) recipe
Cooking Time For Crock Pot
Buffalo Chip Cookies with Variations recipe
There are so many kinds of pesto, basil, sun-dried tomatoes, cilantro... how about some freshly home-made asparagus pesto, the refreshing and tasty flavor is a perfect sauce to toss with some pasta.
Tomato dolmas is a really nice recipe, healthy, nutritious and lookes great!
Simplicity means satisfaction, and satisfy is exactly what this tasty dish does.