19,181 CARMEL ONION/391 recipes
Chicken Morocco recipe
Bring out the Irish in you with this scrumptious dish that might have you seeing rainbows after every bite!
Create a new flavorful dish for dinner with this delicious recipe that calls for grated coconut, cayenne pepper, and....beer!
Best stuffing I've ever made, and everyone loves it. I used pork sausage instead of turkey and it was most and delicious!
If you love hot food, you will love this tantalizing crockpot dish made with chili powder and jalapeno peppers.
Entertaining friends? Try this dip and they won't believe you made it!
Instead of going through the hassle of using the oven, use the crockpot to cook this savory and succulent dish that will have you licking your fingers.
Let your kitchen take in the delicious aroma of this succulent and savory stew.
A tasty and scrumptious lasagna made with ground beef and a variety of spices and cheese which gives it a rich taste.
From McCall's Cooking School, from the 1970's