by Ingredient

Flavor recipes

using: vanilla extract

399 FLAVOR recipes

Sisters' Spice Bars

An instant favorite, these dessert bars are full of flavor!

Bruleed Maple Pumpkin Pie

A new twist on a Thanksgiving classic! This pumpkin pie has a rich maple flavor and a delicately crisp bruleed top.

Very Easy Pound Cake

A very easy to prepare pound cake.

Chiffon Cake with Orange & Hazelnuts

A light and fluffy chiffon cake is a perfect dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth!

Spiced Bread Pudding

This bread pudding is moist and incredibly flavorful with a crunchy top. I make it every Christmas, or whenever a baguette is left out for too long, not that that ever happens in our house.

Hiker Bars

Caloric, filling and tasty bars, these bars give a flavorful and filling treat along the trail.

Irish Cream Mint Cookies

The cookies have the nice flavor from Irish cream, also they are so buttery, and the chocolate chips definitely give the extra bites into the cookies.

Easy Cream Cheese Cookies

Try these decadent cookies that are perfect for that light snack before or after dinner.

Chocolate Raspberry Roll Cake

Light yet delicious chocolate raspberry roll cake. The creamy and fruity filling is made with skim ricotta cheese and fresh raspberries, the cake is made with flour, cocoa powder and egg substitute. It's much lighter than a classic roll cake, but without losing any flavor.

Blonde Brownies

These rich and butter brownies satisfy your dessert cravings. Add cashews for a deeper flavor and yummy crunch.

Pengen Treats

Rich and packed with flavorful nuts and chips.