by Ingredient

Side Dish Recipes

that are ready in 30 min.
using: olive oil, extra-virgin

188 recipes

Braised Figs With Arugula (Chad & Misha)

Chad and I have enjoyed this salad twice over the summer, when fresh figs were available. It is delicious with any type of green. We didn’t eat a lot of figs growing up, but they’re now on the menu!

Chopped Lemon & Avocado Kale Salad

Wonderfully fresh kale salad that is so good, even my father enjoyed it-- which is saying A LOT.

Easy Pasta & Pine Nuts

Easy Pasta and Pine Nuts recipe

Easy Refreshing Greek Salad

Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, an antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and cancer. They are a good source of vitamin C as well as vitamin E to help protect the body from oxidative damage. Cucumbers provide anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Capsicum is a great source of beta-carotene which is an antioxidant and precursor to vitamin A, helping to promote vision and support reproduction, growth as well as a healthy immune system. Olives are antioxidant powerhouses and contain anti-inflammatory compounds, known for their role in preventing coronary artery disease.

Healthy Sautéed Red Cabbage with Ginger

This recipe has a lot of vitamin A and C, it can be served with any kind of meat dish, always a great accompaniment.

Potato-Zucchini Skillet Pancakes with Cherry Tomato Salad

This dish was pretty easy to prepare and turned out beautifully. The potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, and olives created a wonderful medley of flavors.

Apple & Celery Salad with Roasted Peanuts

Sweet and sour apples, crunchy and savory celeries, nutty and salty peanuts, and a lemon-dijon dressing make a delicious, light yet refreshing salad.

Grilled Vegetable Panini

A nice vegetatrian recipe, nice flavor and very healthy. Everyone loves it.

Avocado, Tomato And Mushroom Salad

Good combination, everything inside this recipe is healthy, and easy to find!

Citrus Mediterranean Green Bean Salad

Refreshing, juicy and tasty, it takes you only a few minutes to prepare, you will have this scrumptious salad that can be a side dish with any main course!

Mixed Greens, Roasted Peppers & Feta Salad

This quick and easy to make salad is tasty and flavorful, the roasted bell peppers, white beans, and feta cheese go very well with the mixed greens, tossed with a very light vinaigrette, which gives the salad a refreshing taste.

Roasted Asparagus with Toasted Hazelnuts & Seasoned Currants

Right now it's aspragus season, we have lots of fresh and local aspragus in almost all the grocery stores. Quick and easy to prepare, great flavor and health benefit make the asparagus a hero at our dinner table.