by Ingredient

Soups & Stew Recipes

509 recipes

Chinese Crab & Corn Soup

Chinese Crab and Corn Soup recipe

Crockpot Baked Bean And Wiener Soup

A simple and scrumptious dish that is easy to make and will have your family enjoying every spoonful.

Crockpot Chicken Corn & Lentil Soup

If you're looking for a new kind of chicken and vegetable soup, this delicious crockpot recipe is your ultimate answer!

Chocolate Soup

Try this new take on soup with this delicious recipe that uses cocoa powder and milk to give it a decadent taste.

Quick Crab Stew

Definitely a lazy way to make a crab stew, but I was surprised by how great it came out, and it was so quick and easy too.

Grandma's Tomato & Rice Soup

Thick and hearty, great with a grilled cheese sandwich or on its own.

Creamy Spinach Soup

Simple yet delicious! I added a pinch of ground hot chilli's per another suggestion -- yum!