by Ingredient

56 barley recipes

that are high-fiber ready in 1 to 4 hours

Barley is the earliest known grain to have been cultivated by man. Originally used to make bread and today for making beer. It produces a low-gluten flour and produces nourishing bread that keeps well. Pearl barley is used in soups, broths and stews.

Barley is known to help fight diabetes because the grain contains essential vitamins and minerals and is an excellent source of dietary fiber, particularly beta-glucan soluble fiber. Research has shown that barley promotes healthy blood sugar by slowing glucose absorption.

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Plum and Strawberry Galette
Plum & Strawberry Galette

No sophisticated baking skills are required to make this super fruity and delicious galette. Slice up the plums and strawberries, roughly roll the dough into a round, placed the fruits over the dough, rustically fold the edges around the fruits. How simple is that, and it tastes absolutely delicious!

Barley Risotto with Fennel
Barley Risotto with Fennel

For cooking this risotto, we use slow cooker, so even no stir, the risotto is cooked wonderfully, and you can choose barly or brown rice, add more fibre.

Delicious Barley Mushroom Casserole
Delicious Barley Mushroom Casserole

A few simple ingredients make this barley casserole delicious and flavorful. An ideal weekday dinner on a cold winter evening.

Butternut Squash and Pearl Barley Pilaf
Butternut Squash & Pearl Barley Pilaf

Sweet butternut squash is cooked with pearl barley, fresh lemon zest and lemon juice, tossed with cilantro or parsley. Serve it as a tasty side dish or a delicious and wholesome main course.

Garlic Soup with Barley & Wild Rice

Garlic Soup with Barley and Wild Rice recipe

Chuck's Barley-Mushroom Winter Borscht

Chuck's Barley-Mushroom Winter Borscht recipe

Hearty Beef Barley Soup

Hearty Beef Barley Soup recipe

Showing 1 - 16 of 56 recipes

Barley Tips

How to Stay Slim, Go Fiber!

More and more research is showing that a high-fiber diet may help prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer and weight gain. According to new research from the University of Texas in Austin women who...

Flour Substitutions

Various substitutions when baking or using flour in recipes and replacing sugar with other ingredients. Ideas about how to bake with more whole grains.

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