by Ingredient

Diabetic Recipes

462 recipes

Bulgur Wheat with Raisins & Cinnamon

Delicious and nutritious. A great side dish to accompany lamb or beef dishes.

Asparagus & Pimento

Asparagus & Pimento recipe

Sweet Potatoes & Broccoli

Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli recipe

Baked Cajun Chicken

Spice up your life with this scrumptious baked chicken dish that will feed your appetite in a hurry.

Almost Pasta Primavera
Almost Pasta Primavera

I found this on the cooking echo, it sounded sooo good! It may be worth trying out as soon as I can convience "Bert" that squash is good for you and yours.;-) which is the reason why I put it in my diabetic recipes file