2,644 BEER BATTER/3 recipes
Okinawan Doughnut 3 dozen
Perfect for breakfast or lunch, or simply as a quick snack when you are hungry
A scrumptious bread pudding that will have you singing the "Pina Colada song" all day long!
This is a feel good soup. When you're sick, or just want soup it's a homemade soup that always is amazing! And I don't usually even like soup!
3 ingredients -- as much time as you want to put into it.
Instead of a traditional method, we use a skillet to bake the cookies, also you don't have to make cookies one by one, just bake the batter all together. It comes out nice and crispy outside and moist inside, and it's a cookie, or looks like a cake. So you have both to enjoy!
A bleeding heart cupcake sounds very interesting, and it also tastes great!