2,429 BARLEY MALT SYRUP/28 recipes
An easy and scrumptious recipe is perfect for a small dinner with friends. One dish that will have you licking your fingers!
This challah is not just bread, but also stuffed with spinach, ricotta, herbs and pine nuts, which gives the challah amazingly delicious filling and flavor.
I have adapted this recipe from one called "Mom's Chocolate Pudding" in my new FAVE cookbook, "La Dolce Vegan!" by Sarah Kramer. Check her out at GoVegan.net! :D I swapped out tapioca starch for cornstarch as corn is a very high allergy food, to make this recipe not only Vegan, but also more Allergen FREE. Chocolate is still an allergen, but I can do on occasion, so I hope you can too...
Mo's Ancestral Eggnog recipe
So Good Chocolate Toffee recipe
Make your pasta dishes seem authentic with this spaghetti sauce made of Veggies, ground turkey, tomatoes and a variety of spices.