7,648 MUSTARD/2 recipes
Breaded and golden-fried goat cheese medallions are a great appetizer served with a drizzle of honey, garnished with sliced or diced peppers and spread on baguette slices. These little beauties would also be great atop a green salad.
Smooth Rich Flavor In This Wonderful Tasting Gravy!! ..Thicken With A Potato Blended In!! ..A Few Fresh Herbs And Mushroom!!
Make your delicious tartar sauce with this easy to follow recipe that doesn't take a lot of time to prepare.
So quick and easy to put together, and it tastes delicious with a good amount of flavorful sauce that's perfect with a bed of rice. Don't have Chinese cabbage? Use bok choy or other similar leafy greens, or even broccoli instead.
Adapted this recipe from Foodnetwork magazine, I made a few changes to make it a little healthier but still taste decadently delicious.
Make some cheesy and oozy Halloween pizzas for your Halloween dinner and they are delicious. Nobody will resist these hot pizzas.
Not only delicious, but it also helps you keep a good diet.
Adapted this recipe from Foodnetwork magazine, I made a few changes to make it a little healthier but still taste decadently delicious. Then I made a frozen yogurt with these brownies, heavenly delicious!
The earthy beets, spicy basil, creamy goat cheese and sour-sweet balsamic glaze make this salad with complimentary layers of flavors and textures.
Peanut butter and chocolate chips are probably two of the best things in the world, and both of them can be found in these cookies, yum! Even better that these cookies are made with oats, whole wheat flour, most olive oil and a small amount of butter, which will not make you feel bad about enjoying these sweets and are good for you in a big way!
Easy, delicious, and satisfying.
Shiitake mushrooms, tofu and potatoes are like sponge that soak all the great flavor from the miso stew. Green beans add bright color and nice crisp, and the glass noodles give a bit chewiness and some healthy calories that are good for you.
A delicious recipe uses up some of your troublesome zucchinis and makes you take a second look at these summer produce.
An easy yet flavorful sichuan fried rice is packed with goodness. A great week-day meal is all in one pot.
Crockpot Chicken Stew with Pepper and Pineapple recipe
Savory muffins seasoned with Parmesan, sage and parsley. Breakfast buttermilk muffins; perfect for a grab 'n go brekkie.