51,813 SALT FREE DINNER/4 recipes
Soft, buttery, creamy and sweet cookies that are popular all the time at our St. Patrick's Day!
A small batch, simple homemade hot Italian sausage from my Italian Grandmother. Perfect for whipping up a small batch of bulk sausage for use in other recipes.
A scrumptious lasagna that's made with tomato sauce, broccoli florets and cottage cheese.
Add a Californian taste to your pot roast with this tasty recipe that will have you licking your chops!
Andouille was a great favorite in nineteenth-century New Orleans. This thick Cajun sausage is made with lean pork and pork fat and lots of garlic. Sliced about 1/2 inch thick and greilled, it makes a delightful appetizer. It is also used in a superb oyster and andouille gumbo poplular in Laplace, a Cajun town about 30 miles fromNew Orleans that calls itself the Andouille Capital of the World.
This very old recipe is famous for the artistic, decorative sculpture arranged on top. The picture in the cookbook has the upper outer edge circled with a braid of dough and cut-outs of ducks arranged flat on the top.