This is an all time, excellent, every time recipe. It is very simple, and so well loved by many. I make these for family, friends, school functions, work functions, for gifts etc. It has always been raved about - even by kids! I recommend bringing this to your Thanksgiving function; you will be thanked many times for this delicious taste treat. This is a large quantity, but you will end up making this size batch more than once. You can also make muffins and small loaves using this recipe; bake for 30 to 35 minutes
Zucchini Oatmeal Pecan Muffins recipe
Banana Raisin Walnut Muffins recipe
Banana Orange Oatmeal Muffins recipe
Orange Apricot JamMuffins recipe
Impossible Quesadilla Pie recipe
A savory bean stew that's made with delicious cornmeal dumplings which will satisfy your family's hunger.
A sweet and delicious recipe that makes a perfect drink for anytime of the year!