14,731 MIXED GREEN SALAD/350 recipes
Bisquick Cherry Fruit Chews recipe
This is a wonderful version of Black Russian Cake.
This is by far the best chili mac recipe I have tried in a long time. I made some minor substitutions: 1-10oz can of Rotel/w chiles, made up the balance with 4oz of flat beer, 1 finely diced clove of garlic for the ingredients. Turned out Great! Thanks. 52jimh
It's hard to go wrong with a combination of beef roast, hot green chile and beer. The beef was falling-apart tender with a hint of spiciness. Of course make sure to have enough beer to serve with the roast :)
A delicious marsala recipe made with shredded zucchini, spinach and banana peppers. Tastes great when served over basmati rice.
Green Chile Cheeseburgers recipe
Grecian Green Beans recipe