19,059 EGGS/66 recipes
Crisp outsides and chewy centers, are often achieved by undercooking. In this recipe a small amount of corn syrup is substituted for some of the granualted sugar, for a chewy texture without being soft or undercooked.
Jimmy's Peanut Butter Cookies recipe
Coffee Bean Brownies recipe
Berry Almond Bundt Cake recipe
Apple-Orange Spice Muffins recipe
Deep Dark Chocolate Fudge Cookies recipe
Super Moist Brownies recipe
If you need an appetizer recipe for your next kids’ party, try my recipe.
Birthday are always happening year round.There are many items that you can give as gifts.But homemade gift is very special.It is tasty and nutritious gift for a kids party.
Olive Oil Brownies with Coconut
Delicious peanut cookies!
Charles Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins recipe
Australia Šokolaadlkoogid
So this is more of a throw together than a drawn out affair. Sometimes you want to feel fulfilled and in control without alot of effort right? These freeze easily and can take on so many variations. Add ins like chocolate chips or flavored egg nog or cheesecake fillings work too!
Always welcomed! Very classical chocolate chip cookies!