49,920 LOW FAT COFFEE CAKE/9 recipes
sweet and spicy salsa
Cumulonimbus Chocolate Cake recipe
Cumulonimbus Chocolate Cake recipe
Very Mystery Cake recipe
Awesome recipe! I followed it to a Tee and the cookies came out perfect.
This is a good "guest" food. You can appear to have mastered esoteric Oriental cooking techniques without ever having actually prepared the dish before... Unless you drop the pot on the kitchen floor and set it on fire with the hot salt, it's a pretty foolproof cooking technique.
These are nice cupcakes, taste good and very easily to make too.
This famed chicken "barbecue" from northern India is traditionally prepared in a tandoor, an underground jar-shaped clay oven that believed to have originated in Persia. The oven can be heated to very high temperatures, which sears the chicken and seals in the juices. Equally delicious results can be obtained in a conventional oven or on a covered grill. The yogurt marinade keeps the chicken from drying out.