49,920 LOW FAT COFFEE CAKE/9 recipes
A delicious summer standard at our place. Easy to make with a mix of Southern European and Middle Eastern flavours. I use my Cucumber Raita (posted separately) to dress the lamb salad or you can use the quick yoghurt dressing provided here.
3-Step Fruit Topped Cheesecake recipe
COMMENT: What makes this dessert so irresistible? As it bakes, a pudding sauce forms beneath the cake layer. Cocoa-based and made without eggs, its an old-fashioned treat that should be served with a dollop of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream and a big spoon.
Easy Marshmallow Cream Chocolate Cake recipe
Chocolate Cream Strawberry Shortcake with Ricotta Filling recipe
The reputation of fruitcake has been tarnished but store bought and candied fruitcakes. Using dried instead of candied fruit demonstrates what fruitcake is supposed to be.