49,920 LOW FAT COFFEE CAKE/9 recipes
This is really a nice frittata, I do love the ham and cheese combination in this recipe, yummy.
Quick and easy tartar sauce that is just like the sauce served at Red Lobster restaurants.
Over here, and in England, these are just called "muffins", and are the ones in the song about the Muffin Man who lives in Drury Lane. They did actually sell them door-to-door every morning in London until the turn of the century or thereabouts.
Cauliflower and avocado are not just normal vegetable and fruit in Halloween, they create this brain-dip which is so realistic!
Orange Walnut Rum Cake with Grand Marnier Icing recipe
Nice casserole.
Also like this mincemeat pastry squares recipe, and the pastry gives the lovely flakey texture.
Honey-Rum Balls recipe