51,692 SALT FREE DINNER/47 recipes
An easier no-boil baked beef and cheese manicotti pasta dish. Comfort food satisfaction as your favorite pasta bake, without as much fuss.
These eggplant rolls are from Apulia, the region that forms the heel of the Italian boot. They make a wonderful antipasto or a delicious luncheon dish. Serve at room temperature to enjoy their fullest flavor.
Navajo Green Chili recipe
This rich flavoursome dish originates in the fertile Punjab, a state now divided between India and Pakistan. There is nothing more important to a Punjabi man's diet than bread, and meals are accompanied by flat round cornbread rotis or rich, flaky pan-fried paratha layered with ghee (clarified butter). Rice is reserved for special occasions or for rice pudding, for the only food that makes a Punjabi feel he has eaten a proper meal is his bread! You of course, can serve this dish with plain boiled rice.
Dog Biscuits recipe