by Ingredient

Regional Cuisine Recipes

using: onions

265 recipes

Ajvar (Roasted Peppers & Eggplant)

Serve as an appetizer spread on thick slices of country-style white bread, or flat pita bread, or use as a side dish to accompany grilled or roasted meats.

Favourite Taco Soup

Favourite Taco Soup recipe

Simple Taco Seasoning Mix

There is no need to purchase the ready-made packet. Here's a quick and easy homemade Taco seasoning mix.


This recipe is for a Cuban stew/soup that I used to enjoy con mucho gusto. This version of Ajiaco was prepared by Senora Garcia in her little store front restaurant on Collins Ave. in Miami Beach. Although this is not her exact recipe, it's the closest I could get to it. Ajico del Restaurant Garcia

Acapulco Chicken (En Escabeche)

Try this spicy and scrumptious chicken dish that just might have you drooling when it's done cooking!