by Ingredient

477 coconut recipes

ready in 30 minutes or less

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Evil Jungle Prince with Chicken (Or Mixed Vegetables)

In this case evil means tasty, as this dish made with mixed vegetables and coconut milk makes a delicious meal.

Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies

Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies recipe

Apricot Coconut Balls

Apricot Coconut Balls recipe

Banana-Coconut Bake (Akwadu)

This recipe is the best. You have to try it. It's soooo good excpeicealy if you eat it with vanilla ice-cream.

World's Best Cookies

They stay moist, keep beautifully, are the perfect gift or food-bazaar item, and the recipe makes a huge batch.

Alabama Cookies

My husband's baseball team prefers these cookies to chocolate chip..... if I make anything else, I have to have Alabama's too!

Just the Best Cookies

Just the Best Cookies recipe

Skillet Cookies

Very easy and super delicious cookies that are 'baked' in a skillet.

Date Nut Balls

Wendy Lindsey of Wauwatosa sent this winning no-bake cookie, which any date and coconut lover will find irresistible.

Apricot & Almond Yogurt Coated Bites

These delicious bites are made with almonds, crisp rice cereal, dried apricots, and coconut, then drizzled with some cream cheese-yogurt icing. They are perfect snack packed into your kid's lunchbox.

Showing 465 - 480 of 477 recipes