by Ingredient

Recipes with thyme sprigs

146 recipes

Old-Fashioned Pot Roast with Herb Dumplings

A succulent old-fashioned pot roast that is served with savory dumplings everyone in your family will love!

Awesome Snails Sommeroise

Awesome Snails Sommeroise recipe

Pork Stew with White Beans & Eggplant

Pork Stew with White Beans and Eggplant recipe

Pot Roasted Chicken

Take the pot to the table. Take the chicken out and carve; serve with the vegetables and stock from the pot.

La Potee Auvergnate

La Potee Auvergnate recipe

Light Vegetable Lasagna

Low fat version lasagna, it is full of flavor, enjoying this delicious dish without guit!

Quinoa & Roasted Vegetable Burgers (Main)

Quinoa has been called the supergrain of the future because of its complete protein profile and nutrient density. It contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains, and is rich in magnesium, iron and vitamin B2, which improves energy metabolism within brain and muscle cells.