by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

How Old You Really Are

How Old You Really Are

People don’t age at the same pace, or in the same ways. You might be older (or younger) than you think!

5 Trends in Nutrition that Can Be Harmful

5 Trends in Nutrition that Can Be Harmful

Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean you should be doing it. Learn about five nutrition trends that you should be avoiding.

Choose Your Dining Partner Carefully to Avoid Overeating

Choose Your Dining Partner Carefully to Avoid Overeating

Who you dine with has almost as much of an effect on your healthy lifestyle as what you are eating.

Are You Fooling Yourself About a Healthy Diet?

Are You Fooling Yourself About a Healthy Diet?

It is common for people to underestimate how much they are eating, or over-exaggerate the healthy choices that they make. Are you paying attention to what you are eating?

Prevent Depression With Moderate Exercise

Prevent Depression With Moderate Exercise

Exercise has long been known to have many physical and mental benefits, but a new study shows a direct correlation between moderate exercise and reduction in depression episodes and symptoms.

Feeling Absentminded? Boost Your Memory With These 7 Foods

Feeling Absentminded? Boost Your Memory With These 7 Foods

Being absentminded is a common feeling, but having actual memory decline is a serious problem. Fortunately, there are many foods that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help to preserve your memory or reverse memory decline.

Whole Grains Lower Risk of Death by 5%

Whole Grains Lower Risk of Death by 5%

Consuming enough whole grains can help reduce your risk of developing chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, that can lead to death. Increase your oatmeal intake for a delicious way to live longer!

Consumption of High Fat Dairy Products May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Consumption of High Fat Dairy Products May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk

A recent study suggests that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes may be significantly decreased for those who regularly consume high fat versions of yoghurt and cheese.

What You Can Eat To Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

What You Can Eat To Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

You may be familiar with the foods that are good for your brain, but there is new evidence to support the Mediterranean-DASH diet as helping to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

These 6 Foods Help With Weight Loss and Boost Your Immune System

These 6 Foods Help With Weight Loss and Boost Your Immune System

Two important factors for many people are weight loss and boosting their immune system. Here is a list of 6 great foods that help with both of these things!