by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

8 Foods You Should Eat for a Healthy Gut

8 Foods You Should Eat for a Healthy Gut

Maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut is important for your overall health. Make sure you get enough of these 8 gut-healthy foods.

Confused by Eating Tips? Here Are 10 to Follow?

Confused by Eating Tips? Here Are 10 to Follow?

Knowing which nutrition rules to follow can leave you confused and overwhelmed. Consider these top 10 tips about eating, ones that most nutritionists agree about and start there!

Should You Cut Fat or Carbs?

Should You Cut Fat or Carbs?

It is difficult to know which diet plans are more likely to lead to success. A recent study shows that greater weight loss can come from cutting down on carbs, rather than fat.

Curb Your Appetite With These 11 Foods

Curb Your Appetite With These 11 Foods

When you are trying to lose weight or avoid snacking, it can be hard to stay full and avoid cravings. Try adding these 11 foods to your diet to feel fuller longer.

Find Out What Health Conditions Might Lower Your IQ

Find Out What Health Conditions Might Lower Your IQ

Your intelligence can be affected by a number of health problems. Learn how to protect your mind and body.

Should You Pay Attention to Food Expiration Dates?

Should You Pay Attention to Food Expiration Dates?

The expiration dates printed on many foods may not be the final indication of how long it will last. Follow these guidelines and you might get a few extra days to enjoy your favourite foods!

You Can Reverse the Negative Effects of Sitting

You Can Reverse the Negative Effects of Sitting

Sitting has plenty of negative side effects, and scientists are searching for ways to counteract the negative effects. A recent study showed that taking three short walks may counteract the negative results of sitting for three hours.

Is Drinking Coffee Good for Your Arteries?

Is Drinking Coffee Good for Your Arteries?

There is much controversy surrounding your average cup of joe. A recent study showed that drinking coffee on a daily basis may reduce the risk of clogged arteries.

8 Reasons You May Not Be Sleeping Well

8 Reasons You May Not Be Sleeping Well

Poor sleep is more than just a problem that makes you tired. It can place you at a higher risk for developing chronic health concerns. Make sure you see a doctor if any of these problems sound familiar.

You Could Do Better at Breakfast!

You Could Do Better at Breakfast!

Most would agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But simply putting food in your mouth is not the answer.