by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

Are You Flossing Correctly?

Are You Flossing Correctly?

There is a right way to floss, and the chances are high that you are not performing this important daily task correctly.

Unexpected Effects of Eating Fast Foods

Unexpected Effects of Eating Fast Foods

Eating fast food is more than just unhealthy. It can have some unusual effects on your brain, too.

Should Your Diet Follow the Glycemic Index?

Should Your Diet Follow the Glycemic Index?

For several decades, the glycemic index has been a popular way for people to track the carbs that they are eating. New research shows that the glycemic index may not be the best way to make healthy choices.

Leafy Green Veggies Help Keep the Brain Strong

Leafy Green Veggies Help Keep the Brain Strong

Everyone realizes that leafy green veggies are good for you. But did you know that eating more leafy greens can protect your mental abilities as you age?

Slash the Sugar in Your Healthy Smoothie

Slash the Sugar in Your Healthy Smoothie

Many people consider smoothies to be a healthy substitution for a full meal, but, with many smoothie recipes—even those containing only real fruits—you are getting a whopping dose of sugar. Learn how to control the sugar in your smoothies.

12 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

12 Ways to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Nobody likes to see stains on their teeth! Professional bleaching can be expensive, but there are some great natural ways to whiten your teeth by adding certain foods to your diet regularly.

7 Signs That You Might Be Zinc Deficient

7 Signs That You Might Be Zinc Deficient

Although we only need small amounts of zinc, it is important to at least get the recommended daily amount. Without enough zinc, our bodies do not function properly. Learn about the signs of zinc deficiency.

Trans Fats May Be Lurking in Your Favourite Foods

Trans Fats May Be Lurking in Your Favourite Foods

Trans fats are definitely not part of a healthy diet. Learn about some common foods that may be hiding trans fats, so that you can learn to find the ingredients on the labels and avoid them.

These 5 things may be draining your energy

These 5 things may be draining your energy

What you put into your body may determine how you feel. If you find that you are often tired and dragging, it may be because of your diet. Try these five changes and see if they help!

How Your Sodium Levels are Harming Your Body?

How Your Sodium Levels are Harming Your Body?

Although we do require some sodium for healthy functioning of our bodies, here are seven things that can happen (which are not good things) when you consume too much sodium.