by Ingredient

Health and nutrition news that’s easy to digest

Healthy Living News

Ginger Yogurt with Fruit

Eating Yogurt can Improve Your Diet

Those who eat yogurt as a regular part of their diet are showing higher levels of nearly every important nutrient known to help prevent heart disease, heart attacks and other serious health problems.

Is Beer Heart-Healthy?

Is Beer Heart-Healthy?

Although wine seems to get most of the credit for being heart healthy, it seems that beer may have some advantages, too!

9 Ways Restaurants May Trick You Into Ordering?

9 Ways Restaurants May Trick You Into Ordering?

Restaurant menus are not always packed with healthy choices. Learn about some sneaky menu tricks that might have you buying something you didn’t intend.

Can You Train Your Brain to Choose Healthy Foods??

Can You Train Your Brain to Choose Healthy Foods??

Sometimes it is habit that makes us reach for unhealthy choices. You can teach yourself to love healthy foods, current research shows.

10 Food that Keep You Energized and Help Lose Weight

10 Food that Keep You Energized and Help Lose Weight

Two priorities for many people include keeping their energy levels high and controlling their weight. Try these 10 foods that have a positive effect on both!

Avoiding Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Your Home

Avoiding Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Your Home

Many of the chemicals that are used to protect us from having synthetic materials catch fire quickly are very hazardous to your health. Knowing about the chemicals and how they can affect you is important, as you plan for minimizing exposure.

Use These 10 Apps and Gadgets to Stay Healthy and Fit

Use These 10 Apps and Gadgets to Stay Healthy and Fit

We all need a little boost from time to time to stick with our fitness routine, and everyone likes to measure results. Check out these 10 great apps and gadgets that help keep your fitness routine on track.

Is It Really Gluten Sensitivity??

Is It Really Gluten Sensitivity??

When people have stomach problems, one of the first things they blame is gluten. But, a study showed that gluten may not be the real culprit.

 6 Ways That Stress Affects Your Hair and Skin

6 Ways That Stress Affects Your Hair and Skin

Stress does more than make you feel anxious or uncomfortable. It can cause problems with your overall health, and will certainly cause problems with your hair and skin, too. Learn about how stress affects your beauty.

13 Alternatives to “Comfort” Foods When Stressed?

13 Alternatives to “Comfort” Foods When Stressed?

Everyone experiences stress, but how we handle it makes a difference to our overall health. Instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks, choose one of these health boosting foods to fight stress.