by Ingredient

Yeast extract

About the ingredient yeast extract. Including 10 recipes with yeast extract.



In Chinese:酵母抽提物
British (UK) term: Yeast extract
en français:extrait de levure
en español:extracto de levadura

Recipes using yeast extract

There are 10 recipes that contain this ingredient.

Chunky Leek and Potato Soup

Chunky Leek & Potato Soup

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Very tasty. It's hard to go wrong with potatoes and leeks. They seem a perfect combination especially when it comes up to soup, such as this chunky leek and potato soup. It was very easy to make, and packed with great flavors. If you prefer smooth soup, puree it in a food processor or blender. In whichever way, it's always delicious.

Cereal rye bread

Cereal rye bread

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Not only flavourful but also healthy, these days people begin to take care of their body much better!


Mixed seed bread

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This mixed seed bread is very healthy, you can use this one replace the white bread!

All 10 recipes

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