by Ingredient

English mustard

About the ingredient english mustard. Including 10 recipes with english mustard.



In Chinese:英语芥末
British (UK) term: English mustard
en français:moutarde anglais
en español:Inglés mostaza

Recipes using english mustard

There are 10 recipes that contain this ingredient.

False curry slice

False curry slice

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500 g chicken breasts 1,5 tablespoons mustard 3 eggs 1 tsp spices mixture 1/2 tsp carry dust 1 tsp white pepper 4-5 teaspoons flour salt Mix together: eggs + spices + salt + spices mixture + mustard Cut the chicken breasts into strips and stir the egg mixture. Stir in enough flour to get a thicker sauce. Let the mixture stand for 3-4 hours. Heat oil in a frying pan. Put a spoonful of the mixture in hot oil.


Roast Duckling a la Orange


Roast Duckling a la Orange recipe

All 10 recipes

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