by Ingredient

Chinese recipes

from the Mushrooms collection

222 CHINESE recipes

The most simple yet Great tasting Pumpkin Soup

There are many variety of recipes for pumpkin soup, but this one is special tasting and quick to prepare so that you could enjoy the light music, play Bingo free or Online Bingo or with someone special. It sounds great it even better ! ! ! ! !

Famous Hot & Sour Soup

Famous Hot and Sour Soup recipe

Pancakes with Nine Fillings - Guchul Pan *

This a delightful dish is an innovative and economical way to serve a do-it-yourself-style appetizer or main-dish. It is usually presented in a special lacquered wood or china tray with the required number of compartments. It is just as effective served on a tray in small bowls or dishes

Awesome Mandarin Hot & Sour Soup

Mandarin Hot and Sour Soup recipe

Chow Mein (Two Sides Brown Noodles)

Here's a recipe for Chow Mein which is a pretty classic application using pan fried noodles.