4,686 BARLEY MALT SYRUP/4 recipes
his is a concentrated, liquid coffee easily found in Ireland, but probably not in the States. I would dissolve 2 T of a good instant coffee in an equivalent amount of water, and use that.
A flavorful rice dish combining chicken and smoked sausage, this is a Cajun brown Jambalaya, not the Creole red Jamba. No tomatoes or green pepper. This is the best Jambalaya you'll eat, I ga-ron-tee!
From Nedra, she sent us this recipe, and she said, this is the most fantastic pie ever. This was back in the 40s. I have it in my cookbook "scraps from the emperors' table" anything left over from napoleons table had to bE good; enjoy aunt almas hershey pie. Thanks to share this wonderful recipe with us.
Sweet, rich and delicious...a decadent ending to a light meal or, just as a snack. The kiddies will love these.
Broccoli with Sun-Dried Tomatoes Over Pasta recipe
This vinegar is different from the normal vinegar we use everyday, it adds a lot more flavor into your dish.
This recipe was given to me by a friend who is an ex-patriot now living in Playa del Carmen on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. I serve this with yellow rice and grilled avocado halves.
Amazing Scottish Shortbread recipe
Trifle shaped into a boomerang and made with lemon ironwood syrup, and served with a side of fruit spice cream.