8,571 WHOLE WHEAT PASTA/411 recipes
Fairly easy to put together, and the dish was packed with flavor and very filling too. It is an excellent way to add dark leafy greens such as rapini into your meal. Feel feel to use kale or spinach to replace rapini.
Quick and easy breakfast, and also very healthy and tasty.
This strawberry cake is to die for.
Homemade raviolis are boiled into the fresh vegetable tomato soup, what a delicious and colorful recipe.
In this recipe, we use whole wheat couscous instead of rice, we add orange juice and currant, so the pilaf is sweet too.
Pasta with Tuna, Broccoli, and Red Onion recipe
Ranch flavoured cream cheese cheese rolled with ham in a flour tortilla. A favourite party appetizer that's very easy to prepare in a short amount of time.
Roasted butternut squash with cooked seasoned pinta beans, stuffed into the warmed tocos, sprink some crumbled feta cheese on top, a perfect side dish or vegetarian main dish.
Light and fluffy kinda like a mousee :) A bit of bisquick mix avoids making a pie crust.
Chocolate Chip- Wheat Cookies recipe
A modernize and healthified version of this quick and easy reduced fat casserole that has been sized for two servings.
Quinoa is a kind of seeds that contains lots of protein, this healthy seed is versatile to prepare, such as this salad. It's delicious and packed with goodness. A great side dish or a whole some meatless main course.
Bacon glazed in maple syrup and bacon cooked perfectly crispy in the oven.
Grilled pizza is absolutely flavorful, grilling develops the smokey flavor, and crispy texture on both the vegetables and the crust. This easy grilled pizza is spread with basil pesto as the base, topped with grilled fresh summer vegetables and feta cheese, yum, yum!
These irresistibly delicious yet moist corn muffins are loaded with flavors. Pickled jalapenos add some delicious zing, and chive-cream cheese frosting gives some yummy creaminess and cheesiness.
Excellent, absolutely a good way to use up the leftover cranberry sauce, and honey works very well with other ingredients; love the nutty flavor from whole wheat flour and bran, and the citrus taste from the orange juice, you can even add extra orange zests in.