5,286 LEEK SOUP/141 recipes
Carrot and Ginger Soup recipe
Autumn Squash recipe
Bacon-Topped Cheese Soup recipe
Smarter Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup with roasted apple and cheddar cheese. Mild and creamy spoon after spoon, thoroughly enjoyable.
Cream Cheese Broccoli Onion Soup recipe
Shiitake mushrooms, tofu and potatoes are like sponge that soak all the great flavor from the miso stew. Green beans add bright color and nice crisp, and the glass noodles give a bit chewiness and some healthy calories that are good for you.
Mom's Potato-Mushroom Soup recipe
Best Potato Soup with Roast Garlic recipe
This Italian version of the Mexican favorite was given to me by a friend and former Principal in our district, Ginny Trapani. Buon Gusto!!
After a few potsticker recipes, I finally made my very first bunch of pot sticky buns (another popular food in China). They came out soft, and quite delicious. Nicely browned and crispy at the bottom. It's an excellent way to use up some of our fresh veggies.
A hearty quick stew for those early fall days.
Cold Spicy Tomato Soup with Avocado and Chives recipe
Winter Squash and Apple Soup recipe
Shiitake mushrooms, a few different vegetables, garlic-black bean sauce, and glass noodles make this soup packed with great flavors and nutrients. Enjoy it with a refreshing and light salad aside.